The media can play a major role in educating the general public about suicide, but it needs to follow some guidelines in order to avoid promoting copycat behavior. Here are some tips for journalists:
Avoid detailed description of methods used, as these can trigger those who are vulnerable;
Word headlines carefully;
Be cautious about images;
Don't romanticize it. No "Romeo and Juliet" comparisons;
Listen to a specialist;
Focus on prevention by citing warning signs, risk factors, and what to do to help;
Add resources to your story (hotlines, crisis centers, webpages).
If you are a media corporation, an influencer, or a professional with a large audience, please visit Paula's training page, which details how she can offer you tools to cover this sensitive topic.
For more recommendations, click on the resources below:
Reporting on Suicide (online).
The World Health Organization's guidelines for media professionals.
Suicide Media Reporting, by the American Association of Suicidology.​
Appropriate examples of reporting about suicide:
My interview to KGW, in Portland/OR.
"What lies in suicide's wake" (2019, NYT).
​"What happens in suicide's wake" (2019, CNN).
​"Survivors of suicide 'come out' to combat a national crisis" (2019, Washington Post).
​"Breaking the silence: research shows that we should talk about suicide" (2019, OPB)
"How are Oregon lawmakers addressing youth suicide rates?" (2019, KATU)
"Breaking the silence" (initiative with several outlets from Oregon/US)
"Nurse suicides: getting help before it's too late" (2019, Kpbs)
"How to help youth currently in suicide distress" (2019, The Hill)
​"You are not alone: a documentary and suicide-prevention toolkit" (2019, Sentinel)
"No one is immune to suicide. But there is hope" (2018, CNN series)
​"People who attempted suicide as youths trace their recovery" (2011, Toronto Star)
Listen/Watch to my interviews on the topic:
"The two questions" - The Trauma Therapist Podcast (watch video / Listen to audio)
Interview to the "Coffee over suicide" podcast (watch video / Listen to audio)
"Understanding Suicide" - Which way? podcast (Listen to audio)
"The forgotten ones" - Boykin meets world podcast (Listen to audio)
"Grief after suicide" - Thriving with mental illness podcast (Listen to audio)
To 50 and beyond podcast (Listen to audio)
"(Trying) to understand suicide" - Grief out loud podcast (Listen to audio)
"Suicide, isolation, and reaching out" - Social witnessing podcast (Listen to audio)
​"How to understand suicide" - The collaboration station podcast (Listen to audio)